Pain Factor Differs For Men & Women In Waxing
Waxing can do wonders on your skin and give it a clean and sensuous look for longer period of time than any other hair removal method. This treatment is considered as a semi permanent way to remove unwanted body hairs and is widely adopted by increasing number of men and women both all across the globe.
As the hairs are being taken out from the roots in this procedure they will come back about 3 to 4 weeks giving you that clean look for about a month. But this treatment also comes along with several drawbacks. The major flaw being the pain factor experienced when taking the wax.
Waxing experience can differ for Body Waxing for Men and Body Waxing for Women and so as the pain factor. As the hair growth in both the genders differs and the skin type varies the pain factor also differs. Also the wax used for these two categories is different so the pain in hair removal is different.
When taking a wax at a professional salon the pain factor can decreases to much extent as the aestheticians there are much skilled and have sound knowledge about the type of wax to use on what kind of skin type. But when you are waxing at home it can be really painful as well as messy. Neither will you get good results nor the comfort during the session. So to avoid much pain it is recommended to have your waxing at a salon.
But taking a Body Waxing for Women & men can be different at different salons. All salons uses different type of wax for the hair removal and the procedure also is distinct. Based on the type of the salon you visit for taking your Body Waxing for Men or women you will get different experience for sure. Also the workers there differ so do their service. However, before taking the wax you can also take some individual precautions to make your waxing experience a pain free one. Some of them are like:
��Trim off your body hair to about 1/4 inch before waxing, if the hair is too long you will end up ripping the hairs off to the strip instead of pulling them out by the root. Then you will have to take wax again, which will cause more pain.
��Apply Talcum powder on the area as this will absorb sweat and oil, so that wax can stick easily and pull out hair at once.
��Don’t stiffen yourself by holding your breath when taking the wax. Be relaxed!
��Avoid consuming caffeine or alcohol at least 2 to 3 hours before the session. It is recommended to drink a lot of water to hydrate your body and skin.
��Exfoliate and get rid of the dead skin cells the days before your appointment will cut the sensitivity, keep your skin healthier and help keep ingrown hair away.
��Take an aspirin or any pain killer prior to waxing if your tolerance level is low. But be sure you take it about 30 minutes prior to your appointment so it has time to take effect.
��Wear loose clothes when going for a wax at a salon.
��Go to a professional salon.
By taking these simple tips all men & women can have a wonderful waxing experience with much less pain. At the professional salon you will be treated with utter care and also after waxing they will make sure that you do not experience any discomfort. Remember for taking Body Waxing for Men or Body Waxing for Women go to the professional salon and have a hassle free experience!!

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